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Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Simplest way to creat phishing page of any website.

Here i want to show you how to make a phishing page using a Phishing Creator - Super Phisher and get account information for various websites from many people. Тhis is the easiest and also a very effectively way to make a phisher and hack any website account password. Here are some features of Super Phisher: Fastest phisher maker tool ever Makes phisher for almost any site Useful for users who don't knows HTML, PHP coding No manual work except entering URL of website, for which u want to make...

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Steganography-Art of hiding Text in media Files.

Ever wondered to know how to hide secret messages in images, audio and video files? Well, in this post I will take you through a concept called steganography using which, it is possible to hide your secret information in image files, songs or any other file of your choice. At the end of this post, you can also download free stegnographic tools and start hiding your data.  What is Steganography?Steganography is a means of obscuring data where secret messages are hidden...