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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Make Your Blog Or Wordpress Site Password Protected.

Protecting your blogger or wordpress blogs from spammers, clickers and other frauds have always been a major key point in any website designer life. If you are a blogger you will try to make your website safe from people you do not want to enter in your website or you do not want anyone to comment on your website, well I simply mean stopping unauthorized access to your website. Well today we are going to teach you how you can easily add a password to your blogger or wordpress blog and...

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Simplest way to creat phishing page of any website.

Here i want to show you how to make a phishing page using a Phishing Creator - Super Phisher and get account information for various websites from many people. Тhis is the easiest and also a very effectively way to make a phisher and hack any website account password. Here are some features of Super Phisher: Fastest phisher maker tool ever Makes phisher for almost any site Useful for users who don't knows HTML, PHP coding No manual work except entering URL of website, for which u want to make...

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Steganography-Art of hiding Text in media Files.

Ever wondered to know how to hide secret messages in images, audio and video files? Well, in this post I will take you through a concept called steganography using which, it is possible to hide your secret information in image files, songs or any other file of your choice. At the end of this post, you can also download free stegnographic tools and start hiding your data.  What is Steganography?Steganography is a means of obscuring data where secret messages are hidden...

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Fix screen resolution for BackTrack VM under VirtualBox

 Revisions: 20110521 - Revised to show the fix for BT5 On BT5The following worked with no fuss: # Xorg -configure # cp /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf # startxAnd that’s it! On BT4 Note to self.  To fix the screen resolution for X on a host running BackTrack on VirtualBox… Modify the “Screen” section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to read as follows: Section "Screen" Identifier           "Default Screen" Monitor            ...

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Some Intresting & Funny tricks for Firefox

Firefox is one of best browser and there are some Intresting  tricks that you can do with your firefox browser.These will not harm your browser and they are tested in the latest version of firefox i.e firefox 4.0 Here are Some Intresting & funny Firefox Tricks To perform these tricks open your firefox browser and copy/paste the following in your address bar   chrome://global/content/alerts/alert.xul  This will show you dancing firefox.Your firefox window will automatically...

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Install Windows-XP in 10 minutes.

STEP1 : After the Copy Part is Over ... System is Rebooted as we all know In general Formatting Procedure... Now After Reboot The Below Image Will Appear....                                                          STEP...

Monday, 2 April 2012

The Pirate Bay Buys Greek Airspace for Launching Low Orbit Server Drones

  Few days back we reported that, One of the world's largest BitTorrent sites "The Pirate Bay" is going to put servers on GPS-controlled aircraft drones in order to evade authorities who are looking to shut the site down. Most of the people from World didn't take it serious, well but The Pirate Bay is apparently deadly serious about investing in drone servers that it will fly in international airspace to make it incredibly difficult for governments to stop its expansion. A blog posting...

Sunday, 1 April 2012

GUI For The John The Ripper -JOHNNY Is Launched.

Johnny - GUI for John the Ripper  Johnny is a GUI for John the Ripper. It was proposed by Shinnok. s release includes all things from development release plus nice tabbed panel for mode selection and some additional clean-ups. Basic functionality is supposed to work: password could be loaded from file and cracked with different options. The reasoning behind Johnny is simple but at the same time profound: Complexity through simplicity and non-intrusive expert and non-expert availability....

Thursday, 29 March 2012

How To FInd All Google Doodles

  Hello Guys, Today I'm Going to share how to find all Previous and Current Google Doodles . but first of all if you are a regular reader you might be knowing already about my previous articles about Google Doodles . Google Doodles celebrates all Holiday and Events in Google style. so know first of all i'm going to write how i found this Index of Google Doodles. without using any Google  first open and right click on the Logo or will find a...

Send Private Self Destructive Message.

Hi frendz,Do you also want to send such self destructive mails which can be read only once?? here follow the steps 1) visi link 2) Click on the button to create a message, and then enter your message. You have up to 1,000 characters. 3) After entering your message and creating a link, you will be presented with a secure URL to copy and send to the recipient. Keep in mind, if you were to visit the link yourself, no one else will be able to view the message. It...

Best Temporery Email Services @ Internet.

People use temporary email services when they are unwilling to reveal their actual email address mainly because they fear spam ( which is a good thing ). Dear friends temporary mails are used as below reasons: It is used for those site which enter the person with email subscription It used for security purpose Its used for fake mails Its used for temporary and not annoy you with their mails Track email through a RSS feed While there are several disposable email...

Monday, 26 March 2012

Apple Tried to Hire Linus Torvalds, Kill Linux

Could you imagine a world without Linux? Such a thought could have been stark reality had Apple managed to successfully recruit Linus Torvalds back in 2000. The founder of Linux was invited to Apple HQ in Cupertino by Steve Jobs at the turn of the millennium, where is was invited to join Apple and work on (what would become) OS X. The lure? ‘Unix for the biggest user base’. The catch? That he would have to stop development on Linux, a condition that led Torvalds to flatly refuse the offer. Imagine:...

Friday, 23 March 2012

Benefits Of Cloud Computing.

Cloud Computing is an internet-based computer network, where a resource, software and applications are shared to be utilized by other computers connecting to it. This is a whole new form of computing concept. Why is this novel concept referred to as cloud computing? It is because the internet is often visualized as a big cloud consisting of a large network of computers connected to each other. In essence cloud computing can be defined as a set of computers connected together sharing applications...

What Is Cloud Computing? Explained In Simple Words

I’m sure you’ve heard the following two words being used extensively online in the last couple of years. Cloud Computing. The next time you read something about a service that mentions ‘Cloud’, you will immediately know what they mean by that, and what exactly cloud computing is and how does it work. What is Cloud Computing and how does it work, explained in simple terms? Actually, you’ve been using cloud computing all this time, unless you were living in a cave somewhere, and that cave somehow...

The Pirate Bay plans Low Orbit Server Drones to beat Censorship

One of the world's largest BitTorrent sites "The Pirate Bay" is going to put servers on GPS-controlled aircraft drones in order to evade authorities who are looking to shut the site down. In a Sunday blog post, The Pirate Bay announced new "Low Orbit Server Stations" that will house the site's servers and files on unmanned, GPS-controlled, aircraft drones. TPB said: With the development of GPS controlled drones, far-reaching cheap radio equipment and tiny new computers like the Raspberry Pi,...

7 Ways to Improve Your Network’s Web Security

Admins looking to improve on their company’s web security often turn to software solutions to help assess and automate their security tasks. Good web security software can make surfing the web safe and secure by protecting users from potential vulnerabilities in their operating systems or browsers, as well as helping them to avoid policy violations. The top web security software packages can help you to improve your network’s web security in many ways. Here are seven of the major benefits web...

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Batch Files!The Art Of Creating Virus.

Hello Guys,Today lets discuss about how to create our own batch virus and spread itI could just you give the codes to paste in notepad and ask you to save files with extension .bat and your deadly batch viruses would be ready. But instead of that, I have focussed on making the basics of batch files clear and developing the approach to code your own viruses. What are Batch Files ? Lets begin with a simple example , Open your command prompt and change your current directory to 'desktop' by...

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

HOIC - Another DDOS tool by Anonymous

A new DDOS tool is release by Anonymous called high-orbit ion canon or HOIC. This release is only for windows and has a nice GUI. If the attackers. see the home screen of the software.  There are two round buttons under the target label. Click on the+ sign to add a website to attack and - sign button is used to remove a website. Set the number of threads and increase it to increase the strength of the attack.  When you click on the+ button, a new window will open where you...

How Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Works.

XSS vulnerabilities (Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities) are often overshadowed by their big cousin, the infamous SQL Injection. This does not make them any less effective or deadly. XSS and SQL Injection attacks are similar in the way they inject malicious code. The difference is that an SQL attack, injects code into the target database whereas an XSS attack injects code into the target browser. In an XSS attack the hacker uses your website to inject code into your visitor’s browser. Once...

Monday, 12 March 2012

Amazing Funny Google Tricks.

I’m going to show you some funny and amazing tricks that you can do with Google. Most of these tricks use the very famous “I’m Feeling Lucky Button”. Note: To do most of the tricks below, you must turn off Instant Search first. Funny and Amazing Google Tricks: 1. Google GravityWith this cool trick, you’re going to see Google logo and other stuffs on the Google homepage falling down to the bottom of the browser. To do this trick, just visit Google Gravity or go to and type in Google...

Best Google Doodle Animations

A lot of people have always been fascinated with the cool Google Doodles every time there’s a special occasion like the birthday of famous people, Olympics, and holidays. The first Google Doodle was in honor of the Burning Man Festival on 1998 and from then on, we’ve seen numerous Google logos with playful designs like the cute Sesame Street and Scooby Doo logos. As years passed by, Google Doodles have evolved from plain images to animated doodles which makes “Googling” more fun and entertaining....