This is default featured post 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Monday 20 August 2012

Make Your Blog Or Wordpress Site Password Protected.

Protecting your blogger or wordpress blogs from spammers, clickers and other frauds have always been a major key point in any website designer life. If you are a blogger you will try to make your website safe from people you do not want to enter in your website or you do not want anyone to comment on your website, well I simply mean stopping unauthorized access to your website.

Well today we are going to teach you how you can easily add a password to your blogger or wordpress blog and when ever a person pumps in your websites address he will be greeted with a password prompt dialog, where he have to enter the password kept by you if he fails to enter the password then he will be redirected to your desired website.
1. Go to Blogger > Template > Edit HTML
2. Now press Ctrl + F and search for the </body> tag and add below code above it.
var password = 'Password-Here'
password=prompt('Please enter the password to enter this site:','');
if (password != 'Password-Here') {
3. Now just press Save Template and refresh your blog to see the password asking popup.

Customizations :

You can change the password according to your wish, just change the letters in red color to your password. You can add any URL to which the visitor will be redirected if he enters the wrong password or cancel to add any password, just change the Blue line in the above code with your URL.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Simplest way to creat phishing page of any website.

Here i want to show you how to make a phishing page using a Phishing Creator - Super Phisher and get account information for various websites from many people. Тhis is the easiest and also a very effectively way to make a phisher and hack any website account password.

Here are some features of Super Phisher:

  • Fastest phisher maker tool ever
  • Makes phisher for almost any site
  • Useful for users who don't knows HTML, PHP coding
  • No manual work except entering URL of website, for which u want to make phisher
  • Fully automated tool
  • Small in size.
  • Instant access to phishers you created.

For example i will show you how to make a phishing site of
Here is a step by step guide to hack any website account password using phishing creator tool:
  1. First of all Download Super Phisher
  2. In "Super Phisher" folder, open "Super Phisher.exe" file to get something like:
  3. Now, in "URL of Login Page", enter This is the site you want to hack.
  4. In "Name of Log File" write password.txt or whatever you like. This is the place where all typed id and password are stored. In "Name of PHP File" also type anything you like, e.g. lockerz.php or login.php...
  5. In field of "Site redirect to", enter, so that victim is redirected to original Locker site when he enters his email and password.
  6. Click on "Build Phisher" and you will get Lockerz phisher created in "Output" folder in current directory.
  7. Upload all of the phisher files to any free webhost site like: RipWay or
  8. Once you have uploaded the files in the directory, send this phisher link to your victim and make him login to his Lockerz account using your sent Phisher.
  9. Once he logs in to his Lockerz account using Phisher, all his typed email and password is stored in "password.txt".
  10. Now you can see password in this .txt file and hack Lockerz account password.
Enjoy Phishing

Sunday 10 June 2012

Steganography-Art of hiding Text in media Files.

Ever wondered to know how to hide secret messages in images, audio and video files? Well, in this post I will take you through a concept called steganography using which, it is possible to hide your secret information in image files, songs or any other file of your choice. At the end of this post, you can also download free stegnographic tools and start hiding your data.

What is Steganography?

Steganography is a means of obscuring data where secret messages are hidden inside computer files such as images, sound files, videos and even executable files so that, no one except the sender and the receiver will suspect the existence of stealth information in it. Steganography may also involve the usage of cryptography where the message is first encrypted before it is concealed in another file. Generally, the messages appear to be something else such as an image, sound or video so that the transfer of secret data remains unsuspected.
The main advantage of steganography over other methods such as cryptography is that, it will not arose suspicion even if the files fall in the hands of a third party. Unlike cryptographic messages, stegnographic messages will no way attract the attention of a third party by themselves. Thus stegnanography has an upper hand over cryptography as it involves both encryption and obscurity.

What are the Applications of Steganography?

Steganography is mainly used to obscure confidential information/data during storage or transmission. For example, one can hide a secret message in an audio file and send this to another party via email instead of sending the message in the textual format. The receiver on the other end will decrypt the hidden message using the private decryption key. In a worst case scenario, even if a third party does manage to gain access to the email, all he can find is the audio file and not the hidden data inside it. Other usage of steganography include digital watermarking of images for reasons such as copyright protection.
Eventhough steganography has many useful applications, some may use this technique for illegitimate purposes such as hiding a pornographic content in other large files. Roumors about terrorists using steganography for hiding and communicating their secret information and instructions are also reported. An article claiming that, al-Queda had used steganography to encode messages in images and transported them via e-mails, was reported by New York Times, in October 2001.

How do Steganography Tools Work?

Stegnography tools implement intelligent algorithms to carefully embed the encrypted text messages or data inside other larger files such as an image, audio, video or an executable file. Some tools will embed the encrypted data at the end of another file so that there will be enough room for storing larger data.
There are many steganography tools available online but only a few are able to work flawlessly. I did not find any tool that worked perfectly on both small and large data. However I have  managed to develop my own tool that can work perfectly on all types of files and all size of data. The tool is called “Stego Magic“. You can download it from the following link.
Download Stego Magic
The zip file contains two versions of Stego Magic: One for encrypting the text messages and the other for encrypting binary files. StegoMagic_TXT can be used to hide text messages in other files such as an image or a sound file. StegoMagic_BIN can be used to hide one binary file in another such as an executable file inside an image or an image inside a video file.
With Stego Magic, there is no limitation on the size and type of the file that you are intending to hide. For example, you can hide a video of size 1 GB in an image of size 1 MB or hide an executable file inside a WORD document. The tool is pretty straightforward to use and requires no special understanding of the concept.
At the end of the encryption process, a secret decryption key will be generated and the same is required during the decryption process.

How to Use Stego Magic?

Suppose you want to hide a text message inside a JPG file:
1. Place the JPG and the text file (.txt) in the same folder as that of StegoMagic_TXT.exe
2. Run StegoMagic_TXT.exe and follow the screen instructions to embed the text message inside the JPG image.
3. Note down the secret decryption key.
Now you can send this image to your friend via email. To decrypt the hidden message, your friend should load this JPG file onto the Stego Magic tool and use the secret decryption key.
I hope you enjoy this post :) . For queries and feedback, please pass your comments .

Thursday 12 April 2012

Fix screen resolution for BackTrack VM under VirtualBox

 Revisions: 20110521 - Revised to show the fix for BT5 

On BT5

The following worked with no fuss:
# Xorg -configure
# cp /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf
# startx
And that’s it!

On BT4
Note to self.  To fix the screen resolution for X on a host running BackTrack on VirtualBox…
Modify the “Screen” section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to read as follows:
Section "Screen"
Identifier           "Default Screen"
Monitor             "Configured Monitor"
Device               "Configured Video Device"
DefaultDepth     24
SubSection "Display"
Depth    24
Modes   "1024x768" "800x600"

Saturday 7 April 2012

Some Intresting & Funny tricks for Firefox

Firefox is one of best browser and there are some Intresting  tricks that you can do with your firefox browser.These will not harm your browser and they are tested in the latest version of firefox i.e firefox 4.0

Here are Some Intresting & funny Firefox Tricks

To perform these tricks open your firefox browser and copy/paste the following in your address bar
 This will show you dancing firefox.Your firefox window will automatically popup anywhere at screen.

This will open another firefox within in a new tab.So you will have firefox within firefox.

This will open firefox options dialog box in new tab.

This will open your firefox bookmark manager in new tab.

This will open your history in new tab.

 chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul?type=extensionsThis will open your extensions tab in your current window .

This will Open the “cookies window” inside a tab in the Firefox window.

This will Open the “Clear Private Data” window inside the current tab.

This will Open the “About Firefox” Dialog box inside the tab.

This will Open a scrolling list of names. The one’s who we must thank for creating Firefox

Thursday 5 April 2012

Install Windows-XP in 10 minutes.

STEP1 : After the Copy Part is Over ... System is Rebooted as we all know In general Formatting Procedure...

Now After Reboot The Below Image Will Appear....


STEP 2: Now As This Image APPEARS You Have to Press "Shift + F10 " . This Will Open The command Prompt... Now type taskmgr in it. This will open the Task manager .

STEP 3 : After The task Manager Opens Goto Processes ... And Find "Setup.exe" process and Right CLICK on It.... and set the Priority to Highest....

STEP 4: Now Just Watch the Set It will take around 9 minutes and 2 minutes for Tolerance(depends System to system)....

Thats the Overall Tutorial...Hope You all Have LIKED IT...
So When you Format your PC Next Time It will Really Save Your TIME i.e around 20 to 25 minutes...

Monday 2 April 2012

The Pirate Bay Buys Greek Airspace for Launching Low Orbit Server Drones

 Few days back we reported that, One of the world's largest BitTorrent sites "The Pirate Bay" is going to put servers on GPS-controlled aircraft drones in order to evade authorities who are looking to shut the site down.

Most of the people from World didn't take it serious, well but The Pirate Bay is apparently deadly serious about investing in drone servers that it will fly in international airspace to make it incredibly difficult for governments to stop its expansion.

A blog posting on the Pirate Bay site said the service had gone offline for a few hours on 18th March to move its front machines (which redirect a user’s traffic to a masked location). “We have now decided to try to build something extraordinary,” it said.

If actually happening, it is part of a wider move to stay several steps ahead of the law, with The Pirate Bay gleefully thumbing its nose at the legislative attempts to bring it down. While a number of users are relying on VPNs (virtual private networks) to mask what they are doing online, some services are offering something similar, but on a mass scale.

Here’s the full announcement.
“Political power in Athens, Greece, today signed an agreement with representatives for The Pirate Bay (TPB) about exclusive usage of the greek airspace at 8000-9000ft.

- This might come as a shock for many but we believe that we need to both raise money to pay our debts as well as encourage creativity in new technology. Greece wants to become a leader in LOSS, says Lucas Papadams, the new and crisply elected Prime Minister of Greece.

LOSS that he is referring to is not the state of finances in the country but rather Low Orbit Server Stations, a new technology recently invented by TPB. Being a leader for a long time in other types of LOSS, TPB has been working hard on making LOSS a viable solution for achieving 100% uptime for their services.

- Greece is one of few countries that understands the value of LOSSes. We have been talking to them ever since we came up with the solution seeing that we have equal needs of being able to find financially sustainable solutions for our projects, says Win B. Stones, head of R&D at TPB.

The agreement gives TPB a 5 year license to use and re-distribute usage of the airspace at 8000-9000 ft as well as unlimited usage of the radio space between 2350 to 24150 MHz. Due to the financial situation of both parties TPB will pay the costs with digital goods, sorely needed by the citizens of Greece.”

The sign off in the Pirate Bay blog – “when time comes we will host in all parts of the galaxy, being true to our slogan of being the galaxy's most resilient system” appears intentionally hyperbolic.